FAQ's on Trophy Cups
FAQ's on Trophy Cups What are trophy cups used for? 2019/20 Cups Collection Trophy cups are the classic symbol of champions. The Cup The cup holds the spirit of the challenge, To share the spirit you drink from a cup. C9317 Italian metal bowl and stem on a wooden (MDF) base 70cm $400 engraved in 2020 What are trophy cups made from? Most metal trophy cups in 2020 are made with die casting, metal spinning, form pressing and welding, they are electro plated with chrome or nickle amd mostly come in silver or gold. There is a new release of cups in coloured metal this is a C19-5919 Teslor Cup $27.48 37.2cm Plastic Cups are popular in the budget ranges, younger champions and tend to be smaller, a lot more colours can be added to suit team colours blue, pink, green, red, purple these colours are used to accent the silver and or gold base colours. These are not the classic cup design, commonly used as Best & Fairest, Players Player, Be...